Whitening your teeth is one of the quickest and most cost effective ways to give your smile an upgrade. At McCall Family Dentistry, we’re proud to offer custom take-home whitening trays for our patients to use at their convenience. We’ll start with impressions of your teeth and create plastic trays for you to wear. The snug fit of the trays helps protect your gums and soft tissues from excess whitening gel.
It's always advisable to whiten your teeth under the supervision of your dentist, and our doctors will discuss your desires and goals for your smile with you to determine which strength whitening gel will be best for your needs. We’ll ensure that your trays fit properly, give you instructions on safely applying and using the whitening gel, and then you’re off to a whiter, brighter smile.
We recommend that you whiten for two weeks initially to achieve your desired results. After that, however, you’ll be able to update your smile whenever you like since we sell additional whitening gel at our office. This means you can easily whiten before your next big event or vacation!
Our patients appreciate the ability and freedom to whiten their teeth as needed.